Monday, May 8, 2017

Sleepless (2017)

At first, I truly believed that this movie was going to be quite interesting despite the plot being very similar to "Taken". The last time I saw Jamie Foxx star in an "action" movie, he was an evil smurf in The Amazing Spider Man 2. This time however, it seemed like he made the correct choice and went back to being a tough guy in this new thriller full of action called Sleepless.

Much like the original which was made in 2011, Sleepless beings with a car chase in Las Vegas. Vincent Downs (Jamie Foxx) and his partner Sean Cass (T.I.) are in the middle of it, stealing a package of cocaine from local drug dealers. In order for the crime boss Rob Novak (Scoot McNairy) to retrieve the package back, he kidnaps Vincent's son.

Sadly, after the first few minutes, the movie begins to slow down and it became quite difficult for me to continue watching it. The movie contained to many side stories that took away from the original purpose of the film. Sleepless did show a few signs of life, which were the action scenes, but was not enough to make the ending any better. I feel that if Denzel Washington would have played the role it would have been much better.

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