Monday, May 8, 2017

Power Rangers (2017)

In all honesty, I really like the Power Rangers, at least the ones that I would watch as a kid. I still remember watching the  Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie (1997)..WOW that brings back memories. Normally I am quite defensive when it comes to original "classics"  shows and/or movie remakes. I fear that it will ruin the original or at least my memories of it. However, this time I didn't really care, I just wanted to go see it. Ahhh nostalgia...

The movie begins by introducing each of the 5 power rangers, who at the time are nothing more than antisocial teenagers. The bunch meet for the first time while in weekend detention. The characters try to connect with the wide audience we have now, its the modern element of the story from a star athlete falling from his pedestal to a computer geek dealing with autism to a female struggling with her sexuality.

The characters in this movie are brought back, just with better suits, from the main supervision Rita Repulsa (Elizabeth Banks) to our favorite droid Alpha 5 (Bill Vader) to Zordon (Brayan Cranston). The plot starts off with Rita searching for a mystical stone with the power to destroy the world hidden deep in the Earth, and well like any other Power Rangers content the story is the same. The heroes chosen by fate must reach their destiny and defend the know the story. They train,fight, win, find out they didn't win, get into the robot, fight again, and then finally win.

I didn't mind that I basically knew what was going to happen because well its always the same. The film could have been better but I am overall satisfied. Hope they stop making remakes though...

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