Monday, May 8, 2017

Logan (2017)

"Logan", my favorite superhero movie by far, even though at times it did not feel like a superhero movie. I guess its because most superhero movies are trying to save the world and well in "Logan"  the characters are trying to escape from it.

I really liked that they made the movie Rated "R" because it just made the film that much more authentic and is the 2nd Rated "R" superhero movie in history. The movie takes place in the year 2029, meaning that most mutants have been removed from this world, leaving only a few left..or so we think...

The movie begins with Logan working as a personal driver, he looks tired and seems to be laying low, not wanting to interact or socialize with anyone. In his first scene he is sleeping in his car only to be woken up by thugs that are attempting to steal his rims.While Logan tries to explain to the thugs that they should leave, they shoot him multiple times. This only irritates Logan who then proceeded to cutting their heads off with his claws. Ahhh...I love Rated "R" superhero movies, hopefully it becomes a thing. The story then introduces other character both old and new, starting off the great journey that takes place in the film.

Throughout the movie I felt that this movie connected more with me than most other superhero movies. The plot and story were good and it felt organic when the fight scenes came up. I especially liked that I was unable to predict what was going to happen next unlike most Marvel films.

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