Monday, May 8, 2017

Sandy Wexler (2017) a Adam Sandler fan I will admit that this movie is bad. "Sandy Wexler" is a Netflix Original Film starring Adam Sandler and his usual friends that come out in most of his films. This includes, Rob Schneider, Kevin James, etc.

The movie did have its moments but if Adam Sandler was not in it I honestly would have stopped watching it within the first 5 minutes. Adam plays Sandy Wexler, who is a talent manager that cares deeply about his clients but it terrible at what he does.  The movie cuts in-between Sandy's story and famous actors "remembering sandy" at a dinner party.

Sandy's group of clients include a daredevil (Nick Swandson), a ventriloquist (Kevin James), and a stand-up comedian (Colin Quinn) all of which suck at what they do. Despite that Sandy Wexler, being the "yes-man" that he is, never mentions that they are bad and is always motivating them. He soon bumps into a very underrated but talented singer named Courtney (Jennifer Hudsun) while at an amusement park. Sandy quickly convinces her to hire him as her manager which she does. Soon after she ends up becoming super famous and both Courtney and Sandy grow apart because of that. This is very difficult for Sandy because he loves Courtney.

The film is over two hours long, and I feel that if some scenes where removed it could have been more easier for viewers to watch the whole movie.

In the end that "dinner party" ends up being Sandy wedding with nonother that Courtney. Although I know the movie was bad, its worth watching for the various jokes scatters all trough the movie. Sandys laugh and other traits can make it difficult to stand the character however.

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