Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol.2 (2017)

Guardian of the Galaxy Vol.2 beings briefly after we originally left off in the first film. Yes, this means that Groot is still a baby! The Guardians which are made up of Peter Quill (Chris Pratt), Drax (Dave Bautista), Gamora (Zoe Sadana), Rocket (Bradly Cooper) and Groot (Vin Diesel) are with a strange new character named Ayesha (Elizabeth Debicks) and are on a mission to protect these powerful batteries from a villain named Abilisk. The team ends up having to exchange a prisoner that they were holding in order to retrieve the batteries. This prisoner is Nebula (Karen Gillan) which is Gamora's evil sister. 

Sadly, Rocket ends up  stealing the batteries and this caused Ayesha to hire a deadly ravager called Yondu to hunt the guardians down. Oh yea, that ravager raised Peter (Star-lord) and for reasons that will later be explained theirs so bad-blood between Youdu and Peter. 

Star-lord later meets his biological father and needs to choose between his and his friends (I wont spoil the reasons behind that). This movie has to do a lot about family, we have sister rivalry between Gamora and Nebula, Star-lord's relationship with both his biological father and Youdu, Rocket having to basically raise (look after) Baby Groot, and well the team itself growing as a family together. This is nice because its somewhat different from other superhero movies. I also think that they wanted to show how the team has grown, I guess since most of them don't have superpowers they need to work together to get things done. Over all great movie, hard to say if it was better than the first.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Get Out (2017)

I don't really know what to say about the film "Get Out", overall I enjoyed watching it and the movie kept me hooked all throughout the film. The style of recording some scenes were different and made it seem as if it was a low budget film (in a way it was) but I didn't mind. Although the movie was classified as a horror film it was much more like a thriller and/or suspense with a touch of humor towards the end.

The film follows Chris Washington (Daniel Kaluuya) a black man who visits his white girlfriends family for the first time. Soon upon arrival Chris notices some strange things about the family and the people that work for them. He notices mixed signals  coming from them and is not sure what to think of it.

The character is stuck between leaving and/or staying there for his girlfriend.  As for the plot, don't worry I wont spoil it. Its up to you to go see it.

Overall the cast did a great job with their roles, especially Daniel Kaluuya. I would not be surprised if I were to  see him again on the big screen.

Logan (2017)

"Logan"...wow, my favorite superhero movie by far, even though at times it did not feel like a superhero movie. I guess its because most superhero movies are trying to save the world and well in "Logan"  the characters are trying to escape from it.

I really liked that they made the movie Rated "R" because it just made the film that much more authentic and is the 2nd Rated "R" superhero movie in history. The movie takes place in the year 2029, meaning that most mutants have been removed from this world, leaving only a few left..or so we think...

The movie begins with Logan working as a personal driver, he looks tired and seems to be laying low, not wanting to interact or socialize with anyone. In his first scene he is sleeping in his car only to be woken up by thugs that are attempting to steal his rims.While Logan tries to explain to the thugs that they should leave, they shoot him multiple times. This only irritates Logan who then proceeded to cutting their heads off with his claws. Ahhh...I love Rated "R" superhero movies, hopefully it becomes a thing. The story then introduces other character both old and new, starting off the great journey that takes place in the film.

Throughout the movie I felt that this movie connected more with me than most other superhero movies. The plot and story were good and it felt organic when the fight scenes came up. I especially liked that I was unable to predict what was going to happen next unlike most Marvel films.

Sandy Wexler (2017)

Wow..as a Adam Sandler fan I will admit that this movie is bad. "Sandy Wexler" is a Netflix Original Film starring Adam Sandler and his usual friends that come out in most of his films. This includes, Rob Schneider, Kevin James, etc.

The movie did have its moments but if Adam Sandler was not in it I honestly would have stopped watching it within the first 5 minutes. Adam plays Sandy Wexler, who is a talent manager that cares deeply about his clients but it terrible at what he does.  The movie cuts in-between Sandy's story and famous actors "remembering sandy" at a dinner party.

Sandy's group of clients include a daredevil (Nick Swandson), a ventriloquist (Kevin James), and a stand-up comedian (Colin Quinn) all of which suck at what they do. Despite that Sandy Wexler, being the "yes-man" that he is, never mentions that they are bad and is always motivating them. He soon bumps into a very underrated but talented singer named Courtney (Jennifer Hudsun) while at an amusement park. Sandy quickly convinces her to hire him as her manager which she does. Soon after she ends up becoming super famous and both Courtney and Sandy grow apart because of that. This is very difficult for Sandy because he loves Courtney.

The film is over two hours long, and I feel that if some scenes where removed it could have been more easier for viewers to watch the whole movie.

In the end that "dinner party" ends up being Sandy wedding with nonother that Courtney. Although I know the movie was bad, its worth watching for the various jokes scatters all trough the movie. Sandys laugh and other traits can make it difficult to stand the character however.

The Boss Baby (2017)

My first thoughts while watching the trailer for The Boss Baby were all negative...and well I was right. The animation was great and the idea behind the story was creative but I personally did not like it, I just feel that the story was not executed correctly. It also felt like the pacing of the movie was too much and because of that rushed on many things.

The movie is mainly seen through Tim's eyes, who is the older brother. He notices that the boss baby is taking all of his parents time (he bosses them around), and because of that sees him as an enemy. However, in order to get what they both want they need to join forces and work together. Ultimately, they succeeded with the help of friends and most importantly each other. Tim learns that having a little brother is not that bad, while boss baby learns that having a family is more important than running a business.

...and well that's basically it...

Power Rangers (2017)

In all honesty, I really like the Power Rangers, at least the ones that I would watch as a kid. I still remember watching the  Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie (1997)..WOW that brings back memories. Normally I am quite defensive when it comes to original "classics"  shows and/or movie remakes. I fear that it will ruin the original or at least my memories of it. However, this time I didn't really care, I just wanted to go see it. Ahhh nostalgia...

The movie begins by introducing each of the 5 power rangers, who at the time are nothing more than antisocial teenagers. The bunch meet for the first time while in weekend detention. The characters try to connect with the wide audience we have now, its the modern element of the story from a star athlete falling from his pedestal to a computer geek dealing with autism to a female struggling with her sexuality.

The characters in this movie are brought back, just with better suits, from the main supervision Rita Repulsa (Elizabeth Banks) to our favorite droid Alpha 5 (Bill Vader) to Zordon (Brayan Cranston). The plot starts off with Rita searching for a mystical stone with the power to destroy the world hidden deep in the Earth, and well like any other Power Rangers content the story is the same. The heroes chosen by fate must reach their destiny and defend the Earth...you know the story. They train,fight, win, find out they didn't win, get into the robot, fight again, and then finally win.

I didn't mind that I basically knew what was going to happen because well its always the same. The film could have been better but I am overall satisfied. Hope they stop making remakes though...

Split (2017)

In the past, I have had mixed feeling when watching a M. Night Shyamalan film. This is due to the fact that his work quality is not always constant (between his films). However, with his latest film "Split" he has changed my mind and has made me into a fan.

Although, Split runs for about two hours, it will keep the viewer hooked into the story. The pace of the movie is always moving forward. In this horror/thriller film, James McAvoy plays a kidnapper named Kevin who is juggling within him over 20 unique personalities.

From an  overly obsessive "neatfreak"  Dennis to flamboyant British Patricia to playful, nine year old Hedwig, McAvoy is able to give each character life. McAvoy truly outdid himself in this film, it showcases McAvoys skills and precision as he makes great changes between characters, sometimes in the same breath.

Kevin is threatening no matter what personality is in control but for some reason you also begin to grow a liking to him. It could be because he is just so entertaining as he transitions between characters throughout the movie.

The movie starts with Kevin who is actually Dennis abducting 3 girls, which he then takes to his house. Over time both the viewers and the girls begin to see some of his personalities. Its not until Kevin (Dennis) goes to visit his psychologist, Dr. Flecher that we learn that he is not crazy and/or pretending to be other people but has a condition.

We begin to question if what will become of the girls, and if they will be able to escape.
If you have not yet seen this film I highly recommend that you do. Especially because I wont be including how the film ends. All I can say is that it was intense and that their might be a possibility for a squeal.